My mom died yesterday

My mother died yesterday at 62 yo after 23 years of suffering from schizophrenia. It was caused by dysphagia. We were very close together. How can I live without her ?


I am so sorry for your loss.


Your mother will always be in your memory. Perhaps she will help you to pass on the good that she was, and did, to others.


Im soooo sorry for your loss :purple_heart:
were you caregiver to mom ?
please give yourself all the grace right now !
there are many stages to grieving .


Yes, I was. And we did everything and went everywhere together. Thank you all for your kind words and support.


I am so sorry Mahsa, the loss hits even harder when you have been the caregiver to a family member.

I hope you were able to be with her and bring her the comfort of your presence. She would want you to build your life, but give yourself time to grieve first.


This must be a terrible loss for you. You’ve devoted so much of yourself to her. It may feel like you have lost a part of yourself. I hope you find comfort in your memories of her, and as you heal, find new possibilities for yourself. For now, give yourself permission to grieve for as long as you need to.

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So sorry to hear. How to go on without her? My mom died when she was 59. That was 30-years ago. I still feel her love every day. You will, too. Stay strong. You’re worth it and it is what your mom would hope for.


Thank you for your support

Yes, you’re right, she will always be in my heart. Thank you for your support !


She is in a better place


I am so sorry for your mom’s passing. We want to believe that we will each live a long life but it just doesn’t work that way, especially (statistically) with a schizophrenia diagnosis. You obviously loved your mother. Sometimes we grief not only for a loss in death, but a loss for a life that could have been if our LO had not had this illness. I’m presuming you had been involved with your mom’s care. It can be a big adjustment to now have that time you spent with her or doing things for her. Experiencing grief is an important part of healing, so allow the tears to flow. Seek grief counseling if you would like to do that. Take care of yourself. In time, you will find new ways to do things that perhaps your mom would have wanted you to do.


Hello @Mahsa , I hope you are doing OK, and that you’ve found some peace after the loss of your mother. This must be a very difficult time for you

I hope also that the system is notifying you of answers to your post above since you haven’t been back since Jul 3rd. Please feel free to let us know how you are so we on the forum can offer you support.

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My deepest sympathy for your mom’s passing. How hard that is. At least you know you helped her and spent a lot of time with her. Everything gets easier with time, as we all know. Stay positive and remember all the comfort you brought your mom.

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Thank you for your support @oldladyblue and @irene and all. I feel much more calm. I know she is in a better place and even if I hadn’t been perfect, I did whatever I could for her.
During my absence I was translating the book of Dr. Amador I’m not sick, I don’t need help into my language (persian), so that more people could profit from this. I learned alot from this forum and this book that I got to know in this forum.
Thank you again :two_hearts:


What a great service translating that book. I hope you can find a way to make it widely available to Persian speakers. I hope that helps you in your grief, knowing you are doing something so positive.