I’m going to visit my son next week. Haven’t seen much of him or his partner of 10+ years, as I am 1500 miles away.
She is szA, off her medications and in psychosis for the past year. She left their home last month and lived rough for several weeks; just returned home on her own the day before yesterday. (Reason for leaving: “managing her spirits,” which is what she calls the voices she hears.) Until she disappeared, I had no idea how bad things were, as my son tends to keep stuff to himself.
She’s still in bad shape. She won’t do anything voluntarily, per my son. She’s seen no doctors or counselors since stopping her monthly shots last year, other than the half dozen times in the past year that she’s been involuntarily admitted to the psych center. (But only for a few days at a time.) When things get really bad, he calls the police and they take her to the hospital.
She has children (not my son’s) living in another state, but no custody. She was close to them until she decided they were not really her children. She has a brother nearby, but he can’t do much for her since he has several young children who are afraid of her. I’m not sure how good their relationship is anyhow.
She does get violent at times, has threatened people with a knife. My son laughs and says he’s stronger than her and can protect himself. (My hair stands on end just at the thought of what could happen.) The police want him to press charges, but he doesn’t want to do anything that will cause her to have a police record.
He works full time, plus overtime, so she’s alone most days. She lost her SS insurance (I or D?) when her mother died last year. My son tried taking her to SS office to get signed up again, but she thinks he’s trying to steal her money. So nothing got done about that, and she currently has no income. I don’t think he’s fully informed of what’s legally possibly in their state (VA) or local resources for the mentally ill. Because he works so much, and running their household is entirely up to him, he has little spare time to do what might be possible to make her life—and his—a little better.
I’ve contacted their local NAMI chapter and gotten info about a support group but I’ll be surprised if he goes. Also suggested that he get some individual counseling himself, even if she won’t.
Any suggestions for what I can do for either of them—long distance, or during the 2 days that I’ll be in their area?