Does anyone else find that they skip screenings or appointments for themselves? Between all the appointments for my sons (all have some type of special needs), I ended up not having a mammogram or check up for several years. Now I’m catching up, but have a hard time with all the scolding from doctors.
Maybe it’s low-level depression. I’m trying to plan rewards for myself every time I schedule an appointment. Hoping this works!
Yes, this was me for a long time. I ended up getting regular therapy from a wonderful therapist at the same place my son’s doctor was from. I have been slowly improving ever since and getting better at prioritizing my health without guilt. It’s like that old saying, if your plane is going down you have to put your oxygen mask on first before you can help another. Anyway, good luck and you can do it!
Definitely worth the effort! Sometimes it can take a couple tries to find one that clicks with you and sometimes you hit it off right away. The first one I had didn’t click with me, but the second try was the perfect one for me. It’s so good to have an unbiased person to confide in that also has a wealth of coping skills to teach you.
I love your post about not “clicking” with a therapist. Unfortunately, too often people try once and declare it doesn’t work, when really it was just a bad fit. Therapists are like shoes - one size does not fit all!!
Thank you. Having this forum helps, and I also joined a good Facebook group. And I’ve been doing a Zoom NAMI group, so it should all add up to some good support!
It is a private group. On the other hand, I’m still somewhat cautious of what I post. I suppose you could make a different Facebook account just for using that group.
That’s a peeve of mine with Facebook and other social media that’s unfriendly to anonymous accounts and speech. I’ve had Facebook reject pseudonyms and disable accounts, so I’ve resorted to searching obituaries for plausible pseudonyms for a handful of Facebook groups and to use Facebook Marketplace which is slowly killing off sites like Craigslist. It’s technically against their usage agreement, but I feel they’ve violated my privacy six ways to Sunday with shadow accounts and such that I have little compunction employing this practice.
I stop eating and sleeping when my husband has an episode. Right now as I type he has put music on full blast in his car in our drive way and I am just embarrassed at this point. Don’t know what to do. There is a constant knot in my stomach and I feel like I am going to throw up.
I am trying to find some mental help for myself. Do you have any suggestions? Is there a non profit or something like that to help me? I don’t want my daughter to have two crazy parents.