Pet Pic Post

Where is everyone at on their social media? Admittedly, I am terrible at it and tend to shy away and avoid it. I feel a bit down when I go through and see friends new and old with their growing families or their thriving profession, I guess there is no use in comparing apples and oranges, but I can’t help but think why am I on the fringe of being noticed/ appreciated/ accepted? I think improving Fb stats is like #7 or #8 on the list of ‘reasons to get married.’

However bitter I am grateful for this site, it does kinda act as a social media site for people with sz. Look, here is my dog Lucky or Locker, she responds to either one. :dog2:

This is Kitty Girl . Not very imaginative I know but I received her as a Christmas gift when I was away from home so didnt get the chance to name her

and the people that were with her for like a week just called her that to get her attention now thats what she answers to

Nice looking dog -

The cats lined up, waiting for treats.

Here is a recent cat pic… 2 of 7…

Kitty girl is the same as the cat called Sammy we had when I was a teenager I miss her

This is Bella when she was a baby. I don’t know what I would do without her. :sun_with_face:

Looks just like my cat Cleveland-cute!

That`s adorable!

Thanks! Have a great day!

Pets are very therapeutic. Mines been with me for about 17 yrs i got her to help when the symptoms started getting worse and she really has.

I agree, barks and meows welcome!

these are my two minions :smile: . lilo&tiger

This is Max, My Jack Russell Terrier, he’s a funny sausage! Can be a right pain at times but we love him to bits. I appreciate his comfort and the fact no matter what he gets me out of the house everyday, sometimes I don’t like that but I will go because he needs it. He’s my boy and I love him :relaxed: besides he’s not getting any younger!

I do have a guinea pig, Bertie but all the photos of him are on my camera, he’s my oldest guinea pig as of today, it’s his birthday, and he’s four, he’s lived twice the age as his cage buddy Jasper, who was a very sickly guinea pig. He did pine for him, but he’s much happier now he is on his own, probably because he’s spoilt rotten :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: !

Thanks for this thread, I like looking at pictures of people’s pets!

Aw! What breed is she? She’s such a cutie!

My dog Mia. Half Lab half pit :smile:

Thanks @Dante13 ! They told us she was a beagle lab mix. Her and her sister were rescued from a high kill shelter in Georgia. She was about 8 weeks old in that picture. :sun_with_face:

Great mix! Good on you for rescuing her, every little helps when it comes to shelters :dog: !

All our animals are rescues (not from shelters but we saved them from going there next). We have another dog, two cats, and even our frog who recently passed was a rescue. My mom and I both love animals. BTW your Max is a cutie. Our dogs can be a pain too, but you gotta love them. Bella is my baby though even though she can be the biggest pain. Very bossy. :sun_with_face:

Thanks! She is a shepherd retriever.