Today's daily event...a place to share

Actually was yesterday’s and my frustration is not with my son, but the randomness of life that sets off a delusion of persecution.

I am his reppayee. I know as such I have to be very clear on what I am doing with the money, lest it be interpreted as stealing “his resources”. I pay everything I can on line and schedule transfers to his account for him to cover his basic necessities. His phone/internet company is new. I have paid the bill on line from the reppayee account twice only to have them take if from his personal account and causing overdraft fees. He called last month and had it removed (that was a win…he did it without much complaint). However now with the second month of the same error, my trust with him is in jeopardy. Went to bank. They insist it is the vendor. The vendor does not have his personal account information so that is not possible, however in my son’s world they have stolen it somehow……
I do have a friend in banking who has shed some light and it is a bank error. Now all I have to do is convince son I am trustworthy again. Sigh.