When saying you are sorry no longer means anything

The behavior sounds frightening and dangerous.

The fact that she can change mid-stream and respond to 911 operator that way suggests non-sz illnesses or disorders, not that she couldn’t have sz AND another disorder.

Once they have lost control of their behavior due to symptoms of psychosis, most people with sz in the midst of delusions do not have the capacity to switch them off and on depending on who they’re talking to.

I do not think you are safe living with her. Take the necessary steps to protect yourself by living separately. The most compassionate thing you can possibly do for her is NOT allow this behavior to continue and escalate; show her it’s unacceptable by leaving or having her move out. I really think this is non-sz (though definitely a disorder, if not an illness) because she had the capacity to lie to the operator.

Sam, slw offers some great advice.

I have some previous threads in here on how we were able to hospitalize my son. In brief, we contacted our county attorney and petitioned the court through them for our son’s involuntary hospitalization. It was an awful road to have to take, but we were successful. Before doing this, I documented every day for months. He also saw a psychiatrist that we ultimately had testify in the hearing. We actually mandated this in our pursuit of temporary guardianship in the month prior.

Another thing we did, was we finally decided enough was enough since the hearing was not happening soon enough. We asked the police to remove him from our home. He was destroying things, and very threatening. A deputy came to get him and we said he could not return to our home until he agreed to medication. He was taken to the hospital for an evaluation. I was there for the evaluation, and there was hesitation by the evaluator to agree he should be hospitalized. It wasn’t until we said we were not taking him home and they should call the county attorney’s office, as they were in the process of taking it on. Thankfully…it was below zero with the snow blowing sideways…as they were not likely to let him out on the street.

It is an awful thing to experience…all of it, but it sounds to me that both of you are not safe in the current state of things going on.